Search all your Haystack announcements, events, profiles, knowledge, and more directly in Glean using our Haystack integration.
Haystack is on a mission to make big companies feel smaller by enabling companies to streamline internal communications and build stronger employee connections. Unify your company knowledge and make your intranet data more discoverable with the Haystack integration. Glean will recognize Haystack’s workspace membership model and privacy settings (Public, Private, and Unlisted).
- Surface company knowledge that lives in Haystack
- Allow employees to search across internal posts and events with ease
Enhance your employee experience and make it easier for people to discover relevant intranet content. Streamline access to important resources, ensuring your team can quickly find the information they need to stay informed and connected.
Additional apps
Add custom data sources into Glean’s enterprise search software using our API to index application content.
Other websites
Connect other sources of company knowledge, like your customer-facing help center or internal websites.
Browser history
Glean can also search across workplace apps in your browser history, such as Airtable, Coda, Figma, and more.
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