How Glean search works
Discover in this guide how Glean search provides highly personalized and relevant results by taking into account all the complexities of modern digital collaboration.
Beneath the easy-to-use and intuitive search bar, Glean's workplace search platform utilizes a suite of powerful AI capabilities, indexing tools, and the enterprise knowledge graph to deliver best-in-class search relevance.
<h2 class="heading-small-new">What it takes to deliver leading enterprise search</h2>
This guide to Glean search details:
- The architecture of Glean's workplace search platform
- How Glean works across your apps and understands enterprise knowledge
- How the enterprise knowledge graph is built
- The anatomy of a Glean search journey

What it takes to deliver leading enterprise search
This guide to Glean search details:
- The architecture of Glean's workplace search platform
- How Glean works across your apps and understands enterprise knowledge
- How the enterprise knowledge graph is built
- The anatomy of a Glean search journey

<h2 class="heading-small-new">What it takes to deliver leading enterprise search</h2>
This guide to Glean search details:
- The architecture of Glean's workplace search platform
- How Glean works across your apps and understands enterprise knowledge
- How the enterprise knowledge graph is built
- The anatomy of a Glean search journey