Search through Pingboard’s information about other employees in Glean with our Pingboard integration.
Pingboard gives employees access to essential information about people, teams, and their company. Pingboard onboards new hires faster, surfaces engaging info at just the right time, and helps people connect with their coworkers.
Glean will capture the following content:
- An employee’s name, title, department, manager ID, join date, birth date, updated date, time zone, nickname, bio, email, phone number, and any avatar URLs.
Find people to connect with faster and more effectively using Glean.
Get the full context around other employees in one place, including name, title, department, manager ID, join date, birth date, update date, time zone, nickname, bio, email, phone number, and any avatar URLs.
Additional apps
Add custom data sources into Glean’s enterprise search software using our API to index application content.
Other websites
Connect other sources of company knowledge, like your customer-facing help center or internal websites.
Browser history
Glean can also search across workplace apps in your browser history, such as Airtable, Coda, Figma, and more.
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